Man oh man, if any of you read Chris' blog about those beautiful mother-of-pearl-inlay wardrobes which he wittnesed distroyed because they couldn't sell second-hand, this blog will give them a little redemption. If you haven't read it, you can do so here. Anyway, my co-worker Ann and I were walking home from work at 10:00 last night and passed the exact same situation: three wardrobes (one double and two smaller) were curbside, with garbage piled around them, waiting for the dooms-day truck to smash them and carry them to the dump. They were even faced inward to one another so passers-by wouldn't be able to see their beauty! Ann and I fawned over them and said how sad it is that they'll be thrown out, when I decided to go to work early this morning and try (with my Korean limited to numbers and sounds, no real words) to rescue them.
Which I did.
I went in and through hand gestures and Konglish (Korean+English slang) managed to make it known that I want them. The woman managed to get my address (it takes a bit for them to understand my verbal instructions because my accent is so terrible), charge $20 (transportation fee) and establish that I do not have a one-room apartment and can actually fit them in my place. She then plopped me down in a comfy chair in front of a tv and handed me her half-empty cup of hot tea to drink while her man put them in the back of the truck. I was elated.
Wait, AM elated!
The man was unsure when we finally got here because they really don't fit well, but he followed directions and I shoved a table or two upstairs to make more space. I'll post the double one online and sell it for the $20 it took to get them here (my co-worker may take the two smaller ones), and that'll be that. Chris is going to take pictures tonight.
Wardrobes saved.
live a life sculpted in forms of love, written in the poetry of whimsy, and painted with the colours of passion
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
a humanity lost
Although I will continue to write here, I have begun a new blog. It is about my desire to stay informed on world news and find a way to make a difference to those who are suffering at the hands of other people. What I hope is that someone will read it who knows of something I can do because I don't know where to start.
Here it is:
Here it is:
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I am ashamed at my lack of knowledge in the world and have begun reading headline world news daily, often trying to read both the headline stories as well as less-covered-but-still-important articles. Lately I have come across something that shocked me.
Alright, so I saw the movie Black Hawk Down and read the book (partly) and felt horror and sadness for the people living in Somalia, but I never did follow-up research on the country. I assumed that, since I saw the movie years after it had been made, that the unrest had most likely been solved. Or, if not solved, I assumed someone important was working on some way to help the people living there to establish peace.
I was wrong.
On my igoogle I get BBC and CBC headlines which pop up and the other say one which popped up was UN Says Somalia Needs More Help. I read it and moved on to the next article, then the next one, the next, the next, and finally, the last one.
How is this country not receiving more attention? How can this country have been going through so much turmoil and chaos with barely a peep out of the media? Maybe I've blind and deaf; maybe I've been an ostridge with my head in the sand. I hope so because if that's the case then something has been done and I've simply not noticed. Does anyone know of some way I can help? Some way I can influence change? Anything?
I feel helpless and useless; knowing something HAS to be done but doing nothing about it myself.
Alright, so I saw the movie Black Hawk Down and read the book (partly) and felt horror and sadness for the people living in Somalia, but I never did follow-up research on the country. I assumed that, since I saw the movie years after it had been made, that the unrest had most likely been solved. Or, if not solved, I assumed someone important was working on some way to help the people living there to establish peace.
I was wrong.
On my igoogle I get BBC and CBC headlines which pop up and the other say one which popped up was UN Says Somalia Needs More Help. I read it and moved on to the next article, then the next one, the next, the next, and finally, the last one.
How is this country not receiving more attention? How can this country have been going through so much turmoil and chaos with barely a peep out of the media? Maybe I've blind and deaf; maybe I've been an ostridge with my head in the sand. I hope so because if that's the case then something has been done and I've simply not noticed. Does anyone know of some way I can help? Some way I can influence change? Anything?
I feel helpless and useless; knowing something HAS to be done but doing nothing about it myself.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
a comment on "money -the wedge that dividees us all"
This is a response to Chris Seto's blog money - the wedge that divides us all. I started to write it in his comments section but it got too long and involved so I moved it here. I suggest you read it first, but I won't make you.
The quality of the public education system here (in Korea) is slowly deteriorating, and this is mainly due to increased quality and attention in the 'cram' schools. As attention is focussed on the more elite schools, it is removed from the public system, causing problems there to multiply. Public schools are jammed with 25-40 children in the classroom with one teacher. It is impossible for the teacher of a class this large to cover the same material as a class with 13 students or fewer (which is the class size maximum allowed at my school). Many classes may even have as few as 4 or 5 students. Thus, these classes can cover a volume of material not possible in the public domain. It makes me sad that wealthy parents will put their money into a 'cram' school instead of the public schools. With the amount they are paying me they could pay two more public school teachers and divide the class in half.
That's the fairy tale.
Everything here is about status, education and appearance. The first questions a Korean will ask me will be my place of birth (obviously), age, education, and marital status, and then they will comment on my clothes and looks. The reality is that here, having a child in cram school covers the issue of status and education. If the public school system deteriorates then the gap will be larger and thus the status of the wealthy higher. This is the culture, and has been for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, I have come to realise that I am an accessory to it. I teach wealthy children at a prestegious academy and make more money/year from this job than many Koreans will see... ever.
I am in a moral quandry.
I can't just tutor public school children for cheap or free because it's illegal here. You have to be careful who you tutor because if they wish to increase their status and tell the wrong person, you're out with a kick in the ass and a black mark on your travelling record. I am contracted to work here, and I will be here for a while. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?
The quality of the public education system here (in Korea) is slowly deteriorating, and this is mainly due to increased quality and attention in the 'cram' schools. As attention is focussed on the more elite schools, it is removed from the public system, causing problems there to multiply. Public schools are jammed with 25-40 children in the classroom with one teacher. It is impossible for the teacher of a class this large to cover the same material as a class with 13 students or fewer (which is the class size maximum allowed at my school). Many classes may even have as few as 4 or 5 students. Thus, these classes can cover a volume of material not possible in the public domain. It makes me sad that wealthy parents will put their money into a 'cram' school instead of the public schools. With the amount they are paying me they could pay two more public school teachers and divide the class in half.
That's the fairy tale.
Everything here is about status, education and appearance. The first questions a Korean will ask me will be my place of birth (obviously), age, education, and marital status, and then they will comment on my clothes and looks. The reality is that here, having a child in cram school covers the issue of status and education. If the public school system deteriorates then the gap will be larger and thus the status of the wealthy higher. This is the culture, and has been for thousands of years.
Unfortunately, I have come to realise that I am an accessory to it. I teach wealthy children at a prestegious academy and make more money/year from this job than many Koreans will see... ever.
I am in a moral quandry.
I can't just tutor public school children for cheap or free because it's illegal here. You have to be careful who you tutor because if they wish to increase their status and tell the wrong person, you're out with a kick in the ass and a black mark on your travelling record. I am contracted to work here, and I will be here for a while. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?
Dear Santa
This is a clip from the letter to Santa blog of an environmentalist named "No Impact Man" that I really love and wanted to share. You can read the full blog here.
Dear Santa,
I was thinking how when I talked to a bunch of third graders a while back and I said to them, "How many of you know the feeling of really wanting something and then when your parents finally get it for you, instead of feeling excited, you feel kind of disappointed and sad?" Three-quarters of the kids raised their hands.
I was also thinking how most of my stuff has the effect of pulling me away from my friends and family--because I use it alone--when joking around and having fun with them actually is really effective at making that wanting feeling go away.
I was thinking how all this stuff that doesn't really make me happy also has the effect of hurting the planet as clouds of carbon are produced as the stuff is manufactured, delivered, used and finally disposed of. I was thinking, on top of that, how so many people get stressed out by the debt and high costs of a Christmas full of presents.
Wow. He said it and I love it. It's true; the wanting feeling never fully goes away no matter what you get for Christmas. He is also right that new things separate you from people instead of bringing you closer together (generally speaking). I am very far away from many of the people I love, so time spent with the ones here is that much more important. If I don't spend time with the ones I can, then I spend time alone. While that can be good... nobody wants to be alone for Christmas.
I guess what I'm saying is, have a Merry Christmas season guys. To those far away, I miss you. To those close by, I treasure you.
Dear Santa,
I was thinking how when I talked to a bunch of third graders a while back and I said to them, "How many of you know the feeling of really wanting something and then when your parents finally get it for you, instead of feeling excited, you feel kind of disappointed and sad?" Three-quarters of the kids raised their hands.
I was also thinking how most of my stuff has the effect of pulling me away from my friends and family--because I use it alone--when joking around and having fun with them actually is really effective at making that wanting feeling go away.
I was thinking how all this stuff that doesn't really make me happy also has the effect of hurting the planet as clouds of carbon are produced as the stuff is manufactured, delivered, used and finally disposed of. I was thinking, on top of that, how so many people get stressed out by the debt and high costs of a Christmas full of presents.
Wow. He said it and I love it. It's true; the wanting feeling never fully goes away no matter what you get for Christmas. He is also right that new things separate you from people instead of bringing you closer together (generally speaking). I am very far away from many of the people I love, so time spent with the ones here is that much more important. If I don't spend time with the ones I can, then I spend time alone. While that can be good... nobody wants to be alone for Christmas.
I guess what I'm saying is, have a Merry Christmas season guys. To those far away, I miss you. To those close by, I treasure you.
Monday, November 19, 2007
routine and the night bazaah
It's strange because every weekday I get up, hand out online, talk to friends, sometimes do a little yoga, and go to work. Then in the evening I come home, go online and then go to bed. Sometimes it's almost like Korea is really similar to home! I used to do the same thing when I worked in Scotland too (except then I worked longer hours and didn't have weekends off). My life has become routine and lethargic. I see the same people every day and do the same thing. Sometimes the conversation differs, but not always. My consolation is that weekends are always different and fun. Like this past weekend!
Anyone who has been to Malaysia (as I did with SSU), especially KL, most likely remembers one thing beyond the amazing architecture that sets it apart...
the "Night Bazaah!"
Anyway, I'm not in Malaysia, and there isn't a "night bazaah" here in Korea (that I know of), but there is an awesome market that totally reminds me of one! Sure it's much colder and daylight... and the wrong country. That's ok though, the Nampo market here is SO much fun! Chris and I went this weekend and walking through all the shops and stalls I was brought back in memory to bartering with Ben and Miah ... and Amber playing air guitar with a street musician while we all had beers and snacks. Great memories. The market here is huge, and you can get nearly everything you could want, as long as you're willing to walk around in the chilly weather and look for it. There's food vendors, restaurants, hand-made pottery, trinkets, clothes (both new and not-as-new), weapons, wood-burning, statues, shoes, well. You get the picture!
So... excitement on weekends and drab rut on weekdays. Sometimes I feel like my week days are a waste of time (except that it's getting me money to pay off loans). A waste of life. Work is fun, but routine and ... usually the same. I follow a curriculum that repeats every weak, just with a higher level of difficulty every Monday. What to do... what to do.
I love when I get to see Chris and everyone on weekends!
During the week... I'm BORED!
Anyone who has been to Malaysia (as I did with SSU), especially KL, most likely remembers one thing beyond the amazing architecture that sets it apart...
the "Night Bazaah!"
Anyway, I'm not in Malaysia, and there isn't a "night bazaah" here in Korea (that I know of), but there is an awesome market that totally reminds me of one! Sure it's much colder and daylight... and the wrong country. That's ok though, the Nampo market here is SO much fun! Chris and I went this weekend and walking through all the shops and stalls I was brought back in memory to bartering with Ben and Miah ... and Amber playing air guitar with a street musician while we all had beers and snacks. Great memories. The market here is huge, and you can get nearly everything you could want, as long as you're willing to walk around in the chilly weather and look for it. There's food vendors, restaurants, hand-made pottery, trinkets, clothes (both new and not-as-new), weapons, wood-burning, statues, shoes, well. You get the picture!
So... excitement on weekends and drab rut on weekdays. Sometimes I feel like my week days are a waste of time (except that it's getting me money to pay off loans). A waste of life. Work is fun, but routine and ... usually the same. I follow a curriculum that repeats every weak, just with a higher level of difficulty every Monday. What to do... what to do.
I love when I get to see Chris and everyone on weekends!
During the week... I'm BORED!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Goodbye Twinkle

My sweet puppy. You've lived a long time; I like to think it has been happy. I hope so. I'm sorry I abandoned you in the end. I've loved you more than any non-human I've known; I still do and think I always will. My heart is broken that my last goodbye was actually goodbye forever. You have always been loyal and loved me, even when I was gone for so long. I'll always regret that you were left with strangers. I'm sorry you couldn't understand. I knew the end was near, but always thought it would be another day. I'm so sorry I can't be there for your last hours and minutes. I'm sorry. I hope you know that I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. I love you Twink. So much.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friends in Korea
Jessie and Justin are in South Korea!
Chris and I got to hang out with these two a bit this weekend, and despite the fact that we're both sick with bad colds, I had an awesome time. We hung out in Busan a bit on Friday night and then Chris and I went to Gimhae (where they live) and hung out with them there. Those two are SUCH great hosts! They pulled out Sangria, wine, soju (voldka-like Korean alcohol), crackers, tuna, cheese (very expensive here), and bread sticks. Visiting them showed me just how rusty my host skills have become! We went out for dinner and saw a bit of the city too. It was awesome to see them. Really nice. I think we'll end up trying to hang out every weekend or so, for at least a day. Especially while the weather is so nice (a little chilly for my tastes, but I'm not going to really complain. I've also figured out most of my Christmas presents for my family and even have gotten a few! Woo hoo!
Chris and I got to hang out with these two a bit this weekend, and despite the fact that we're both sick with bad colds, I had an awesome time. We hung out in Busan a bit on Friday night and then Chris and I went to Gimhae (where they live) and hung out with them there. Those two are SUCH great hosts! They pulled out Sangria, wine, soju (voldka-like Korean alcohol), crackers, tuna, cheese (very expensive here), and bread sticks. Visiting them showed me just how rusty my host skills have become! We went out for dinner and saw a bit of the city too. It was awesome to see them. Really nice. I think we'll end up trying to hang out every weekend or so, for at least a day. Especially while the weather is so nice (a little chilly for my tastes, but I'm not going to really complain. I've also figured out most of my Christmas presents for my family and even have gotten a few! Woo hoo!
Monday, October 29, 2007

Yep. I love this picture too.
Ok... so lets just say that I found a similar one to this online and made my own personal one (the original one was a boy). I love it and wanted to share it with all you people who know me. I essentially started this blog when I moved away from st. Stephen to keep in touch with friends and, in a way different from Facebook, interact with them. I miss you all and wish I could have these discussions (and sometimes rants) in person, but that's just not gonna happen. Anyway, if you've read anything I've said and agreed or disagreed, or really just anything, please drop a comment. I don't live for them... but I do love them!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
weddings and friendships
There's something about friends getting married that makes me sad, out of happiness for them and also mourning for myself. I know it sounds selfish, mainly because it is. I feel like my friendships are never the same once a person gets married, and it's not always the friend who is awkward. Something about marriage makes me pull away. Same with dating I suppose.
A friend of mine got married this past month and I missed the wedding because I've been here. To be honest though, I have only kept in touch on and off with him for years. I saw him during the summer and it felt so strange. I don't really know his wife very well either, which makes me uncomfortable. Some women just can't handle their men having close friendships with other women, and I didn't know what to do. Do I hug him after not seeing him for a few years or not? I hugged. He wasn't married when I saw him, but when I left I felt like I was saying goodbye to our friendship. This guy used to be like a big brother to me and got me through some pretty tough times before university and during my first year. Unfortunately, I move around a lot and our friendship kind of went on hold. Now he's married and living on a ranch and I'm in Korea, teaching English. I haven't kept in touch with his life and he hasn't kept in touch with mine. We've lost that common ground that keeps a good friendship. It makes me sad.
Too bad I feel that way about most of my older friendships. I have one or two friends that I've had for more than a decade, but I'm a notorious friend-abandoner and none of them are close friendships anymore. Soon, I would like to stay in one place and build a community of close friends. Maybe that's really my problem. I really and truly just need a long-term place in a community.
Korea is awesome, but I kinda just want to go home, wherever that is.
A friend of mine got married this past month and I missed the wedding because I've been here. To be honest though, I have only kept in touch on and off with him for years. I saw him during the summer and it felt so strange. I don't really know his wife very well either, which makes me uncomfortable. Some women just can't handle their men having close friendships with other women, and I didn't know what to do. Do I hug him after not seeing him for a few years or not? I hugged. He wasn't married when I saw him, but when I left I felt like I was saying goodbye to our friendship. This guy used to be like a big brother to me and got me through some pretty tough times before university and during my first year. Unfortunately, I move around a lot and our friendship kind of went on hold. Now he's married and living on a ranch and I'm in Korea, teaching English. I haven't kept in touch with his life and he hasn't kept in touch with mine. We've lost that common ground that keeps a good friendship. It makes me sad.
Too bad I feel that way about most of my older friendships. I have one or two friends that I've had for more than a decade, but I'm a notorious friend-abandoner and none of them are close friendships anymore. Soon, I would like to stay in one place and build a community of close friends. Maybe that's really my problem. I really and truly just need a long-term place in a community.
Korea is awesome, but I kinda just want to go home, wherever that is.
" the wind."
The wind can be gentle as well as cruel, as can life. It can be your friend, or your enemy. If life is a race, it may be less about the finish than we think. " the wind through forever" is a quote from a poem I wrote once. It has several meanings to me and I'm going to share some of them with you.
it can mean a struggle against a power which is far bigger, stronger, and faster. A hopeless battle in life where you just can't keep up. despairing. overwhelming. defeating.
it can represent that struggle in a more positive manner. Struggling against that far bigger, stronger, and faster power, but also never giving up. refusing to give an inch. Personal strength and resolve. Perserverence. Challenge.
It can represent a playful game. running with a close friend. cavorting and enjoying the simplicity of being together.
It can represent freedom. Wind blowing in your hair. tears streaming from your eyes because you're running so fast. making a breakaway from where you have been. flying across the ground. refreshing. exilerating.
It can be all of these. Life changes and we change with it, whether we want to or not. There are times when I am fired for a challenge and have the strength to face life's problems head on. And there are times when I feel dragged along. I feel weak. Defeated and hopless. I don't know why sometimes the same wind can make me defeated when yesterday I was strong enough to run faster. There are times when I don't know where my strengths and weaknesses originate. And I don't know why I feel differently today than yesterday. I have the same life now as then. This morning even. I really and truly just don't know.
it can mean a struggle against a power which is far bigger, stronger, and faster. A hopeless battle in life where you just can't keep up. despairing. overwhelming. defeating.
it can represent that struggle in a more positive manner. Struggling against that far bigger, stronger, and faster power, but also never giving up. refusing to give an inch. Personal strength and resolve. Perserverence. Challenge.
It can represent a playful game. running with a close friend. cavorting and enjoying the simplicity of being together.
It can represent freedom. Wind blowing in your hair. tears streaming from your eyes because you're running so fast. making a breakaway from where you have been. flying across the ground. refreshing. exilerating.
It can be all of these. Life changes and we change with it, whether we want to or not. There are times when I am fired for a challenge and have the strength to face life's problems head on. And there are times when I feel dragged along. I feel weak. Defeated and hopless. I don't know why sometimes the same wind can make me defeated when yesterday I was strong enough to run faster. There are times when I don't know where my strengths and weaknesses originate. And I don't know why I feel differently today than yesterday. I have the same life now as then. This morning even. I really and truly just don't know.
Monday, October 22, 2007
my Hahoe weekend final installation
So... after the maskdance everyone else left and Chris and I walked around and bought some masks. He took a bunch of pictures and I made more mental memories of the rustic and ancient town we were in. It was beautiful. We ate some dinner, during which a few people recognised us from the dance and chatted for a bit and at the end were given some rice wine free, most likely because we had become local celebrities for actually dancing carefree in front of everyone instead of acting shy and being boring. So we toasted Korea and Canada with the waitresses (who were eating in another room which we could see where we were sitting) and left full and chilly (it had gotten cold when the sun went down). There wasn't much to see besides stars once everyone turned out the lights, so we headed for bed (again, heated floors and sleeping mats!). At 5:30 the next morning we got up and after one more photo op headed for our bus to Andong, and from there we headed home to Busan and our respective jobs. Whew. What a weekend. I'd do the village again in a heartbeat, no question.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My Hahoe weekend pt. 3
OK, so continuing with the weekend story...
...We arrive at Andong and it instantly looks fantastic. There are totem-like poles around with faces carved into them and amazing masks all over the place. Chris and I find a place we can stay once we make sure we can catch a bus back in time for both of us to get to our respective apartments to get ready for work the next day (Monday) in Busan. it's only 15 000 wan each to stay the night (rough equilivant $15)! Then we wandered, saw some amazing sights, checked out masks, and eventually entered a theatre area to sit and watch the mask performance. It's a completely circular room with a roof covering the spectators, but with the rof above the dirt floor in the center open to light the actors. A small group of us sat directly in the front and "center" (ie: opposite the door). There was obviously a script, however, just as obvious was the allowance for improve around that script. Which meant the actors addressed the audience a fair amount and even spoke to a few people individually (click here and go to "Hahoe Maskdance" for more information about the festival and the importance of the dance in Hahoe). At one point the "Fool" pulls some poor Korean girl from the crowd and makes her come and get Chris and I! She pulls us out to the middle of the floor and interprets for the actor, who says we have to dance with him! So the "band" of musical drums and cymbals which have been playing quietly in the background get louder and we all dance in the middle of the floor with everyone watching! It was hilarious! I'm pretty sure some people got pictures of us, and when I find out who I'm gonna post them on my own facebook and add alink here, it was so much fun!
...We arrive at Andong and it instantly looks fantastic. There are totem-like poles around with faces carved into them and amazing masks all over the place. Chris and I find a place we can stay once we make sure we can catch a bus back in time for both of us to get to our respective apartments to get ready for work the next day (Monday) in Busan. it's only 15 000 wan each to stay the night (rough equilivant $15)! Then we wandered, saw some amazing sights, checked out masks, and eventually entered a theatre area to sit and watch the mask performance. It's a completely circular room with a roof covering the spectators, but with the rof above the dirt floor in the center open to light the actors. A small group of us sat directly in the front and "center" (ie: opposite the door). There was obviously a script, however, just as obvious was the allowance for improve around that script. Which meant the actors addressed the audience a fair amount and even spoke to a few people individually (click here and go to "Hahoe Maskdance" for more information about the festival and the importance of the dance in Hahoe). At one point the "Fool" pulls some poor Korean girl from the crowd and makes her come and get Chris and I! She pulls us out to the middle of the floor and interprets for the actor, who says we have to dance with him! So the "band" of musical drums and cymbals which have been playing quietly in the background get louder and we all dance in the middle of the floor with everyone watching! It was hilarious! I'm pretty sure some people got pictures of us, and when I find out who I'm gonna post them on my own facebook and add alink here, it was so much fun!
Friday, October 19, 2007
my hahoe weekend pt. 2
So then we all jumped onto the bus again and after what felt like an eternity ended up at Mt. Sokri, where we were supposed to go hiking. I suppose maybe hiking is different for Koreans than others, because we walked around on a pathway before ending up at an old mountain monastary area and checked it out. There was absolutely no strain involved. In fact, it was barely walking; it was a stroll. The area was beautiful though, and Chris took pictures so hopefully they'll be up soon so you can all check them out! There was a giant Buddha which was in the "please give me money for the poor pose" which was completely gold plated. Click here. Anyway, once we finished looking that sucker over (ie: appreciating the cultural heritage of the Koreans) we headed for the bus again, and hours later (so it felt) up and down twisty roads, we made it to our destination that night: a giant Korean hostel. We set up and pretty much owned the area except one room. The floors were heated and there were sleeping mats in the cupboard so we all slept on the floor Korean-style (PS> in case you didn't know, Koreans sleep on sleeping mats on the floor). We ate a dinner of burgers (or fried tofu and egg on a bun), chips and beer (or soju) and froze. It was cold out! I headed for bed early due to exhaustion and a chill, and happened to be sleeping next to a low desk with a computer on it. Chris came up for a minute and we checked out the area we'd be visiting the next day, only to find out that the mask festival which we'd thought to be over was still on and we could stay the night. And then I went to bed. I love heated floors and reccommend that everyone forgo beds and just sleep on mats on a heated floor. No need for other methods of heating. It's awesome! So the next morning I got up early and walked around the beautiful area, taking mental pictures and hoping Chris would see some of the same stuff and take more reliable pictures before breakfast (fried scramble eggs, bacon and fried potato slices).
From there we headed to Andong village!
PS> all these bus excursions have fantastic scenery, but after the trip in Europe, I seem to have no resistance to sleep when on a bus so I missed most of it.
From there we headed to Andong village!
PS> all these bus excursions have fantastic scenery, but after the trip in Europe, I seem to have no resistance to sleep when on a bus so I missed most of it.
My Hahoe Village weekend
Man oh man. I just had an amazing weekend. Let me start at the begining. Obviously. OK, so Chris and I were recruited by our respective jobs by Kim n Joe recruiting, which is based here in Busan. Anyway, every year they organize a big trip, sometimes to different places, and this year it was to go hiking, enjoy a short boat trip, and visit Andong, the "mask" village. It cost $100.00 and included an overnight stay, food, unlimited drinks, and all of the above (including bussing to each place). So early in the morning we headed to PNU (rushing late so we taxied) and got there with time to spare since one of the people was about 45 minutes late and we waited for him. We bussed until lunch, when we took a small boat tour around a pretty area. Half-way through the tour I looked back into the boat and a bunch of people (Korean and foreign) were dancing around with one another in the inside of the boat! Later, when I looked again, they were doing karaoke! It was pretty funny. Check Chris' facebook account for some awesome pictures once he puts them up. Anyway, after the boat tour we all stopped off for some lunch, which was bibimbap, a bowl with veggies on top of a pile of rice. Click here for a photo pf Bibimbap. There are different varieties, and I've never had one I didn't like. It was all hot and just waiting for us. Lovely.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I miss my friends from home. Today I invited a bunch of people over to my place for apple pancakes and only one person showed up. I made a stack of pancakes too. I guess when you work later hours you just don't want to visit with people for breakfast on a Monday morning. I just thought it would be a nice start to the week, and instead it was a disapointing one. I was checking out Matt Wiebe's blog and saw some pictures of his apartment from back when he and Jac first fixed it up and set it up and it made me lonesome for Wiebe's Weekend Movies and snacks. There was also a picture of Todd Hall and it made me nostalgic for Sam, Brie, Amber and Jas. I was listening to some crazy music Allieren gave me and it made me sad that I no longer live just across the hall from her at Park. Such sad and lonely days some times.
C'est la vie où j'ai choisie.
C'est la vie où j'ai choisie.
money money money
Money. The hated word.
Budget. Even worse.
I've had times where I lived in fun and exciting places and didn't have a budget. I didn't have to. I never spent money. I worked insane hours, went out infrequently, and had the time of my life. I loved those times. I remember how great they were and, although I know I spent a lot of time doing nothing but working, being with people, and saving for school.
Somehow Korea is different.
I work shorter hours and I have people here to do things with.
I think that's the clincher as to why I seem to be UNABLE to save the way I want to. I didn't have anyone to DO stuff with before; and now I have much more free time too. My money is leaking through my fingers and I can't seem to make it stop.
SO. Ash is going to help me draw up a budget and I'm going to stick to it. I've never had a problem saving before because I'm perfectly happy not DOING stuff, but just getting by and not spending a cent. HOWEVER, when am I going to be in Korea again? I'm here for a YEAR. It's my HOME for now. I can't just pass time sitting in my apartment and either chatting online or painting. It's a waste because I can do thise things anywhere in the world!
So, Chris and I went to a movie at the Pusan International Film Festival! It was AWESOME! There were people everywhere and the movie was great! We're definitely going to have to go to the one in Toronto when we go back to Canada. And that's not all! We're going hiking next weekend with a bunch of people (including Ash and Dan), staying in a village, and checking out a traditional mask market! That's going to be fun!
However, I've been working at my job for a month, which means I get paid soon and also means I will get my first month's bills soon. Then... budget time.
Back to money. And budgeting. And both of them sucking. Because they do.
I mean, why can't we live naturally? Trade? Barter goods? Live free and peacefully with one another? Honestly! Who needs money? I vote we burn it all!
Too bad I don't have any to burn...
Budget. Even worse.
I've had times where I lived in fun and exciting places and didn't have a budget. I didn't have to. I never spent money. I worked insane hours, went out infrequently, and had the time of my life. I loved those times. I remember how great they were and, although I know I spent a lot of time doing nothing but working, being with people, and saving for school.
Somehow Korea is different.
I work shorter hours and I have people here to do things with.
I think that's the clincher as to why I seem to be UNABLE to save the way I want to. I didn't have anyone to DO stuff with before; and now I have much more free time too. My money is leaking through my fingers and I can't seem to make it stop.
SO. Ash is going to help me draw up a budget and I'm going to stick to it. I've never had a problem saving before because I'm perfectly happy not DOING stuff, but just getting by and not spending a cent. HOWEVER, when am I going to be in Korea again? I'm here for a YEAR. It's my HOME for now. I can't just pass time sitting in my apartment and either chatting online or painting. It's a waste because I can do thise things anywhere in the world!
So, Chris and I went to a movie at the Pusan International Film Festival! It was AWESOME! There were people everywhere and the movie was great! We're definitely going to have to go to the one in Toronto when we go back to Canada. And that's not all! We're going hiking next weekend with a bunch of people (including Ash and Dan), staying in a village, and checking out a traditional mask market! That's going to be fun!
However, I've been working at my job for a month, which means I get paid soon and also means I will get my first month's bills soon. Then... budget time.
Back to money. And budgeting. And both of them sucking. Because they do.
I mean, why can't we live naturally? Trade? Barter goods? Live free and peacefully with one another? Honestly! Who needs money? I vote we burn it all!
Too bad I don't have any to burn...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
being away
Being away is hard. I'm living in South Korea and all I've wanted to do all day is jump on the first plane available and fly home. This is the second time in a month that I've felt this way, and it's not something I'm particularly prone to. The reason is simple: my family has needed me and I can't be there for them. My last remaining grandparent died a few weeks ago and now my mama is sick and has been in the hospital for the past few days. What would YOU do in this situation? I am bound by a contract for the next eleven months to remain in Korea. I have lived away from my family before, even in another country and never felt so distant and helpless. I have mounting student debts I MUST pay off, and quickly, which is why I'm here in the first place. I love to travel, and due to my mama's health I figured this is the only time I would feel comfortable away from home.
I was wrong.
I'm not comfortable at all.
And although I want to go home,
I can't.
The most I can do is calculate the time change and call my parents when my mama comes home. This is life, and despite my sadness and frustrated helplessness, I am in Korea, possibly not to return for a long time. I'm not sure what the best course for me is. Hindsight is perfect and foresight unpredictable. Therefore I will cry, stay, appreciate Korea to the fullest I can, and call home. Maybe cry a bit more.
And then enjoy my short time in Korea with my friends.
I was wrong.
I'm not comfortable at all.
And although I want to go home,
I can't.
The most I can do is calculate the time change and call my parents when my mama comes home. This is life, and despite my sadness and frustrated helplessness, I am in Korea, possibly not to return for a long time. I'm not sure what the best course for me is. Hindsight is perfect and foresight unpredictable. Therefore I will cry, stay, appreciate Korea to the fullest I can, and call home. Maybe cry a bit more.
And then enjoy my short time in Korea with my friends.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Busan O Pusan
Oi yoi. It's been a bit of time since I blogged last. Chris and I are working in Pusan, South Korea now. We've moved into our respective apartments and started our respective jobs and slowly spending as much money as we make (ok, maybe that's just me). It's strange having such a small community of friends here. And I do mean SMALL. I have four other foreigners working at my school, plus about 10 Koreans (I only really know 4 of them). Then add Chris, Ashley and Dan and that's my circle of friends. In fact, that's the total count of people I know here (besides Adam and Leta who live in a different city). WEIRD. However, my situation warrants that I won't be travelling for a while after this stint in Korea. Not around the world anyway. Which means I am going to make the most of my stay here. I've gotten a few Christmas gifts for people back home and I must say, I'm an AWESOME gift finder! The cultural gifts here are beautiful, durable, and good quality. The Koreans buy it too, so you know it's generally good stuff. Chris lives near an AMAZING market, and there are more all around the city. One downer though, for any who are considering working over here, is being apart from family when they may need you. It's just not possible to drop everything and leave at the drop of a hat. My grandma died a few weeks ago in a car accident and there was nothing I could do for my family. There was also nothing they could do for me. In fact, I had to find out through email since I didn't have a proper phone yet. It sucked. It still sucks. I like it though. I live in a loft apartment and work at a great school. I make enough money that, if I scrimp and save and (maybe) work private lessons I MAY be able to pay off all of my student loans. The scenery is awesome, the city is really cool and big so there is lots of opportunity for going for a bike ride and just checking stuff out. It's an experience I will most likely never have again, and I'm going to enjoy and remember as much of it as I possibly can.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Korea oh Korea
I'm in Korea right now! Chris and I flew in to Seoul on Thursday and were driven (along with a few coworkers) to Chochiwon, which is where we're working at an English camp. It kind of reminds me of summer school (with homework and everything) just with games incorporated into the evenings before study! It's called "How Fun English Camp" and classes officially start tomorrow. I am teaching the Beginner Level One children, which means I am teaching nine mostly-boys who speak virtually no English. I met them today and most could not a single English word! I have two TAs working with me, who are fantastic, but even so I think it is going to be a very stressful first day tomorrow (not to mention the rest of the month), especially since the TAs have NO free time. They are living with the children and have to be with them from 7:00 when they (children and TAs) get up, dressed and do exercises, until 10:30, when the children are in bed and the TAs have their 10:30-11:00pm meetings. The poor TAs! They were chugging energy drinks today and the children just got here this afternoon! I'm living in a dorm room twice the size (or more) of my SSU shared dorms with Merissa Wallace, who is 28 and from Guelph. We (thus far) have gotten along really well and I don't think that's going to change even as the month progresses. Chris is sharing a room with a guy named Mike, who is a teacher in Toronto (GTA somewhere) and who is 25. Also a pretty nice guy, although I don't really know him as well as I've gotten to know Merissa (which makes sense, since she and I share a room and Mike and I do not). There are two other white people here (sorry if that term offends people but it's the easiest way to differentiate between ethnicities here) and their names are Jen and Mel; both of whom are teachers living in Thailand and who are a bit older. They sometimes seem to have a little difficulty with the differences between how they taught in a classroom in Thailand and the more "camp" atmosphere here, but they're really nice and I think they'll settle in pretty well too. Thus far things seem to be going well and despite the painful, nervous jitters in my stomach, I'm looking forward to first classes tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Oh man. Family. Foremost in mind right now is my Sammy; she just got to Ottawa after driving straight from Georgia for about 27 hours. Oh my, such a crazy one. I love her so much. For those who don't know, Sammers and I lived together for a year and a half, as well as travelling (with other people) through the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. Until she came up here I hadn't seen her in a whole year. A YEAR! *sigh* and now I'm gone for another one. Another year. When I chat with Sam it's like I can be very open, she'll give her opinion and share herself with me. She has been more a sister than a cousin, and we even had a conversation once where she told me her kids would call me Auntie Becky, and I didn't even notice the fact that... normal cousin's children wouldn't do that! If I have kids they'll call her Auntie Sam for sure! There's just no question...
Then there's Rae and Joy. My sisters. Oh man. We're a family of contradictions!
Then there's Rae and Joy. My sisters. Oh man. We're a family of contradictions!
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Truely, there are shitty sides in life. Not just moments or days or weeks, but sometimes there are entire sides of life that can make you feel like you're being ripped off. However, such is LIFE, and although I am a true whiner to those who know best, I have been trying to focus on the really wonderful things I get to, and have gotten to, experience. Thus, I wish to share them.
NOTE: These are NOT in order of importance to me... they are simply the order in which they come to my sleep-deprived mind.
my friends:Although I am very far away from my closest of friends, they still have the power to impact me like few others. Today I was talking to Brie and she told me she likes my poetry. Not just likes it, but that some of it makes her feel. That is all I want for my poetry. She and I talked about nothing things as well as things that are so very important to me. Things that make ME feel. I love her so much.
I got to hang out with Chris for the first time in three weeks last weekend and it was such a relief. Snorkeling and sailing. Naruto and 300. Hanging out. He is a support and friend in ways I can't even describe. I am so proud of his accomplishments and dreams, and I am inspired to have more of my own. Truely, Korea will be a challenge and adventure with him. I cannot describe my anticipation.
Lately I've also spoken to other friends, some in longer conversations and some just briefly, and those people have brightened my world. I am encouraged when Shelley sends me a short message saying she misses me, or when Jac listens to my flashes of loneliness and frustration. When my Zo wants to go out for drinks and chat, or when I get a message from Brad telling me that he likes my pictures because they make him want to have adventures. I feel brighter for having seen a picture of Walter online and it strikes me that he is such a wonderful person. All of these people are so important to me, even if I am rarely in touch, each is unique and I love them.
I will leave this blog here... with Friends. Yes, I will write more another time, perhaps on my Family, but it's nearly 2:00 AM and time to sleep.
Welcome to my Blog:
I am Becky, if you do not know me, by all means, read on anyway...
I'm not sure why I started this, since I'm terrible at blogging. But I so enjoy Shelley's that I decided I might have something to say, whether people read it or not.
First, I will write about going to Korea!
We have takeoff in two weeks. Yes. That is exciting. And scary. What the HELL do I think I'm doing? Going off somewhere for a year where I have never been, don't speak the language, or know the culture or history??!! Whew. Now that's scary. There are positive points though, like the fact that I'll get to preview my appartment before I accept the job. I'll get to interview the employers instead of them interviewing ME! I'll also get to get in shape, hike, meet new people (both exciting and scary) and travel a bit. Those things are worth being pleased about.
I am Becky, if you do not know me, by all means, read on anyway...
I'm not sure why I started this, since I'm terrible at blogging. But I so enjoy Shelley's that I decided I might have something to say, whether people read it or not.
First, I will write about going to Korea!
We have takeoff in two weeks. Yes. That is exciting. And scary. What the HELL do I think I'm doing? Going off somewhere for a year where I have never been, don't speak the language, or know the culture or history??!! Whew. Now that's scary. There are positive points though, like the fact that I'll get to preview my appartment before I accept the job. I'll get to interview the employers instead of them interviewing ME! I'll also get to get in shape, hike, meet new people (both exciting and scary) and travel a bit. Those things are worth being pleased about.
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