Thursday, September 8, 2011

Goals for September

I've been following the blog of my lovely cousin Brit, and she gave me the idea of setting monthly goals. Hers are simple and wonderful, but most of all, they're achievable! So, without further ado, here are my September goals:

1. Keep my rooms room tidy. I'm pretty good at that as it is, but I could do better. Sharing a house means I have less control over the other rooms, but I will be keeping my own nice and tidy.

2. Go for a long walk at least four times every week. I don't like getting out and walking in the winter, so I should get as much walking in nice weather while I can!

3. Stretch daily. That's pretty self-explanatory.

4. Cook a meal for someone I love twice a week. This may not happen closer to Rae's wedding at the end of the month, but I'll start this weekend.

5. Paint as often as possible.

6. Write something each evening (not necessarily blogging).

Okay! I think that's a realistic list! I hope I can keep it up! Thanks again Brit!

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